Many people use cotton mainly for cleaning their ears, but there are more ways the cotton bud can be useful to you. 1. To apply make up : cotton bud can be use to apply make up in very delicate parts of the body, you can use it to make that eyelid of yours to look more beautiful instead of using that hard brush which can injure your beautiful eyes. 2. For fixing zipper : imaging you are totally dressed up, ready for work and you find out that the zip of your favorite trouser has jammed, that can easily change your mood that day. But you don't need to worry just insert your cotton bud into oil ( ground nut oil, olive oil or kola nut oil if it exits) and apply it to your zip; it will soften it and your zip will start working smoothly. 3. To clean up your computer parts . You can use your cotton bud to remove dust that hang in your keyboard. 4. For cleaning jewelries : Thanks to their tiny size; cotton buds can be use to remove dust from your jewelries. 5. For cleaning cars :...